API Reference

Request Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
AuthorizationStringPublic Access Token
sessionStringSession identification of the request that is generated using the previous API
otpIntegerOTP token that is sent to user's phone number

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
pass_idStringUser's Boiva pass ID that they receive through the Boiva Mobile Application
tierStringUser's tier information in Boiva which is based on the amount of data they validate through Boiva Mobile Application
telcosObjectUser's telcos data and the verification status
phone_activeBooleanUser's phone activeness status that is validated through Telcos
phone_nik_verificationBooleanUser's nik number that is used in card registration status that is validated through Telcos
identityObjectUser's identity data and the verification status
name_verifiedFloatUser's fullname verification status in percentage that is validated through Dukcapil's data

If the
data input is matched, it will return a high percentage, and vice
ktp_verifiedBooleanUser's ktp number verification status that is validated through Dukcapil's data
birth_date_verifiedBooleanUser's birth date verification status that is validated through Dukcapil's data
birth_place_verifiedFloatUser's fullname verification status in percentage that is validated through Dukcapil's data

If the
data input is matched, it will return a high percentage, and vice
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!