API Reference

Below is a structure of Unsuccessful Response

Explanation of Error Field Field

    "event_id": ""XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX"",
    "errors": [
            "error_code": 100299,
            "message": "mother_maiden_name cannot be empty",

error_code - Customized error code for mapping
message - Description of the error that is happening

Where error_code will consists of this format

  • The first 2 digits, will point on the specific API scope where this error comes from
  • The 3rd and 4th digits, will point on the error type
  • The 5th and 6th digits, will point on the specific error

For the First 2 digits, the example will be as follow:

API ServiceCode
Generate Public Access Token10
Identity + Selfie Verification11
BOIVA ID Verification12

For the 3rd and 4th digits, the example will be as follow:

Error TypeCode
User Generated Error01
Server Generated Error02

For the 5th and 6th digits, the example will be as follow:

API ScopeSpecific ErrorCode
All APIGeneral Error99
All APIMissing Header98
All APIInvalid Header97
All APIInactive Client96
All APIMissing Query Parameter95
All APIOut of Scope94
All APIExpired Token93
All APIInvalid Token92
All APIInvalid API Key91
All APINo Sandbox Quota90
All APIInactive API89
Identity VerificationBad Request in Request Body01
Identity VerificationInvalid Format in Specific Field Inside Request Body02
Verify BOIVA PassBOIVA Pass Not Found51
Verify BOIVA PassBOIVA Pass Not Active52
Verify BOIVA PassExpired OTP53
Verify BOIVA PassInvalid OTP54